I have listed here some of the services that are specific to a session. The purpose
of this list was not to give you a “menu” so to speak, but an idea of where your
guides may lead us during a session.

Come into the session open to follow the
highest path your spiritual support team have set out; not with an order form saying “I’ll take a
little bit of grid work, a small release and some drum medicine”. This will not
serve your highest good and does not allow me to give you the medicine your
guides and masters want to serve to you.

As my calls to action grow, as I continue to grow,  my work is developing into deep universal transformation work.

Allow yourself to receive. For the most powerful outcome, let yourself be served in a session, without having to order a thing.

And if there is a certain concern, present issue or physical ailment that will be top priority.

Of course if there is something you are interested in discovering more about
we can always look into that and put that on your schedule. If you want to
learn more about your guides, angels, power animal etc.. Please always invite
this. And we will cover it when the timing is perfect.

Services that you can specifically request are an Akashic records reading and Dying Consciously support.

To Learn More About Some of My Services Check Out The Links Below:

Universal Transformation 

Brain Recomp

Journey with the LANTERN for a Day

6 month mentorship

Lantern Training Workshop