Often in life we are seeking more of a prolonged time with our guide/mentor.

More time to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. Time for sacred ceremony, time to sit with aged puerh tea, time to be heard, to feel, to integrate, to be taught, time to hear the raw truth, time to reach our next point of evolution and the space held to do this.

The sacred journey Day is a quest of the soul, traversing the bridge between spirit and earth. Through guided meditative states, leading edge expansive focus, raw authentic conversation, a spiritual journey allows the participant to experience the nonphysical planes, and self actualize into a much more expansive state.

On earth we are entrenched in a physical reality and this tends to disconnect us from the multidimensional aspects of ourselves, as well as from our true reality and home in spirit. The ability to hear our own source communication is quiet. Aspects of our outgrown selves act out and cry out for help and we ignore them or sometimes we allow them to drive. Our “to do” lists and list of what we think are important begin to take over.

In a sacred journey day April guides these voyages of spirit. These journeys can be both blissful and demanding – they are spiritual missions for deeper understanding, higher truth and soul expansion. Learn what you value, learn who you are, learn what you really want.

April offers these day experiences on a very discerning level. Meaning this type of request is an energetic investment for all involved and we ask you not to step into this lightly.

If you wish to inquire about a day or two with April… please reach out . april@iamaprilrucker.com