Lately I have noticed a lot of people feeling overwhelmed, “in it”, confused, and discouraged more than ever. Lots of talks about which way to go, what in the world is going on, confusion, and mental exhaustion, etc…
A couple of things come to mind, one of my favorite quotes “relax nothing is under control” and secondly and most importantly the power of presence.
Just stop right now and ask yourself, what percent of me is fully here in this moment reading this newsletter? So pause right now and ask for the percentage of your whole self that is fully present right now-
Let’s say you ask and get 58%.
Well that means 42% of you is off somewhere else, maybe thinking about the future or past, maybe thinking about a conversation this morning or maybe part of your body is hurting, your focusing on a year from now, and a myriad of other things. figuring out where the rest of you “is” is not our focus right now, just determine how much of you “is” present.
The most powerful you that’s ever been on earth at any time is you right now at this exact moment. The you right now reading this is the most powerful you that’s ever been on the planet. You five minutes ago and you in the future a year from now is not as powerful as you are right now. When you recognize your power at the present moment as the most limitless co-creator that’s ever been on earth you stop thinking about the – when I have this I’ll do that, once I accomplish this I’ll go there, if I would have only had that this would be different, I should have done that and then this would be like this- those are thoughts outside of presence, thoughts that have no power or truth to them. Our true power comes from absolute presence.
To pull yourself into complete presence let’s start with some simple steps:
- Ask yourself how present you are. Ask for a percentage.
- Acknowledged the percentage you get and don’t make it right or wrong, it just is.
- Stop and listen to the sounds around you, the movements running through your body, how your breath feels, gently acknowledge what’s happening within you and around you right now, for a couple of minutes just be, observe, breath.
- Give yourself permission to fully show up right now in this moment, to become fully present to be the most powerful co-creator you can be at this time
- Now ask yourself again what percentage of you is fully present now.
Welcome to the beginnings of presence. It really is this simple. Notice any differences you feel in your body right now, in your mind and the thoughts running through your head.
There is a song by medicine for the people called father mountain, at the end of the song he’s asking what kind of power is in me, then he starts to feel that fire- that presence that’s in him. In that line it is a perfect example of the recognition of self that comes from complete presence.
Presence, This is the place we create our reality from in its highest vibration. If you are co-creating from less than presence your life will reflect it.
You have the choice to be present, to co-create from full presence. With every moment, every thought create from pure presence; the clarity, action, and direction that comes from this will blow your mind.
It takes some practice to be fully present so just start asking yourself a couple of times throughout the day how present am I right now. And go from there.
And remember the most powerful you is a fully present you!
There is a song by medicine for the people called father mountain, at the end of the song he’s asking what kind of power is in me, then he starts to feel that fire- that presence that’s in him. In that line it is a perfect example of the recognition of self that comes from complete presence.(if you listen to the song attached the part I am discussing is at 4:02)